Business to business in the US

Our suppliers and other third parties – including agents, distributors and affiliate companies – help us research, develop, manufacture and distribute the medicines, vaccines and other products that patients and consumers need.

Two scientists discussing work in a lab

GSK’s supply chains are complex and have significant scale with third parties around the world. Visit our global site to learn more about our standards of working with third parties.


Corporate commitment

Lab desks and chairs with lab coats hanging in the background

At GSK we value and draw on the unique knowledge, experience and style of each individual in our global community. As a global organization, the very essence of our business demands a commitment to an inclusive organization. Our success relies on our innovation and creativity, which thrive in our people.

We are committed to help improve the lives of people in the communities we serve. This commitment requires an inclusive framework where all people have access to the medicines and products they need. By taking a shared responsibility and seeking innovative partnerships, we are helping suppliers develop the necessary capabilities to grow and sustain their businesses.

A sense of community

Moreover, as we build a sense of community among different groups, we in turn foster the trust and loyalty necessary to deliver key messaging about healthcare screenings, educational resources, and patient assistance programs. Ultimately, this enables us to take a leading role in promoting preventative healthcare and eliminating existing disparities.

As GSK works toward achieving our business spending goals, we will continue to strengthen economic prosperity and health awareness in communities around the world.

Becoming a GSK supplier

GSK sponsors and supports all businessowners by investing in their continued educational development through Executive Education Programs that are designed to help executives improve their performance as leaders.

Moreover, GSK hosts a number of networking forums to allow potential suppliers to showcase their capabilities. It is a unique opportunity for all businesses to meet with GSK’s category leaders from procurement, business partners and supplier team members in an attempt to match their capabilities to GSK’s needs.